



One of the pillars of NLP is PRESUPPOSITIONS

NLP founders studied the working pattern of successful people in their chosen field and understood that these successful people were having a few beliefs as operating principle. They were enlisted & given to us in the name of PRESUPPOSITIONS.
As the word says it is presupposed to be true.
Presuppositions are guiding principles.
Presuppositions help to shape one’s behavior and also to hone appropriate attitude towards life.
Presuppositions are not immutable truth. They are not essentially true, but are taken to be true.
This assumption empowers individuals and organizations.
These presuppositions when taken to be true & implemented smoothens life, motivates us to rise from failures & disappointments, restores strained relationship, and acts as a lubricant for smooth relationship.
To regain resourceful state, to get right perspective of people and life situation, to well communicate & influence others it is suggested that one implement these presuppositions in real life situation and derive benefit from them.
Mastery of presupposition facilitates mastery of NLP for presupposition is one of the pillars of NLP.



1) Every experience has a structure.

By experience a person means how he has internalized the details of an event encountered.
Invariably & inescapably every event a person encounters registers in his brain as a picture &/or sound &/or feeling.
NLP says to notice this detail of picture, sound & feeling which forms the structure of experience.

2) Map is not the territory

After we take in the details of an event encountered & recorded inside we immediately form an impression of the experience.
This impression becomes the guiding factor for future reference of this event for us.
Like how a map is a guiding factor to understand a place,
like how a menu card a guiding factor for ordering in a restaurant, this impression within us becomes our sole reference guide which greatly influences our response.

Yet a map cannot exactly match the territory it represents in dimension or in every detail. Same way this impression we carry of an event is not the exact record of the event.
Hence our perception of the event is not the event.
Therefore according to NLP perceived reality is reality & not real reality for the individual.
Each person has his own map.

3) We process all information through our senses

In order to cognize & recognize this world we need the help of our five senses – seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling & tasting.
In the absence of senses we cannot experience outside world.

4) The unconscious mind is always benevolent

This founding principle is the basis for most of NLP interventions. To the extent one is aligned with core of one’s being one need not regret.
Unconscious mind means consciousness outside our immediate awareness.
According to NLP this unconscious mind is a great source of inspiration & guide for personal effectiveness.

5) The mind and body are parts of the same system

In fact mind is the subtle portion of the body & body is the grosser portion of the mind.
According NLP mind & body are not two separate entities of a human being but rather integral parts of the same system, both impact each other.

All the 5 presuppositions are NEURO category.



6) We cannot not communicate

It is very clear by the emphasis of this statement that we communicate all the time, even when we are silent. There is no escaping from this fact.

7) The meaning of communication is the response we get.

Communication is not telling; it is more with how the other person has understood the intended meaning. In communication the responsibility is more with the communicator to make the respondent understand the communication. The response is the best feedback to assess the effective of communication.
Hence flexibility in communication is the hall mark for efficacy of communication.

The above two presuppositions are LINGUISTIC category.




8) We already have all the resources we need

This is a very powerful belief of NLP which helps us to reinforce resource. This helps us to function from a position of authenticity & power.

9) Every behavior has positive intention

Anything & everything an individual does is intended toward getting something useful to him or to the other person concerned. Therefore there is positive intention behind the behavior of the person.

10) People make the best choice available to them

As guided by their map people always make the choice available to them at that point of time.

11) People work perfectly

Given their experience of life & their intentions people work perfectly according to them.

12) All actions have a purpose

Every activity is aimed at achieving something & nothing is done just like that. In order help people move from disempowering state to empowering state knowing the purpose helps.

13) There is no failure; only feedback

This is a very powerful belief that helps us to progress well in life getting a great learning from failures. Even in the case of NLP intervention for new behavior generation or modification, in case the expected result does not come, instead of getting disheartened if we can learn what went wrong & rectify it the result is sure to come..

14) Modeling successful performance leads to excellence

If one can adopt the way an accomplished person followed it easily leads to success; it is by studying successful people and in the attempt to model them NLP came into existence.

15) In order to understand, do

To know anything well it is firsthand experience that counts. So we know more by doing than debating or deliberating.

These 15 guiding principles of NLP are a major one.
When applied to everyday life, it is certain one can be benefitted and can lead a meaningful life.