

என்.எல்.பி-யால் யார் பயனடையலாம்?



என்.எல்.பி யால் யார் பயன் பெறலாம்? 

ª       மனிதனாய்ப் பிறந்த ஒவ்வொருவருமே பயன் பெறலாம்

ª       பிரச்சனைகள் உள்ளவர்கள் என்று மட்டுமின்றி உடல் மன ஆரோக்கியத்துடன் உள்ளவர்களும் பயன் பெறலாம்

ª       தேவையற்ற பழக்கங்களுக்கு அடிமை ஆனோர், யாரும் பயன் பெறலாம்.

ª       வசீகரிக்கும் பேச்சுக் கலையை வளர்த்துக்கொள்ள விரும்புவோர்,

ª       நட்பு, சொந்தங்களோடு நல்லுறவு கொள்ள விரும்புவோர்,

ª       தன்னைத் தான் மேம்படுத்திக் கொள்ள விரும்புவோர்

ª       கடந்த கால கசப்புகளின் நினைவுகளிலிருந்து மீள விரும்புவோர்

ª       நடப்பு வாழ்க்கையின் நல்ல விஷயங்களை முறையாகப் பயன் படுத்தி முன்னேற விரும்புவோர்

ª       ஒரு அழகிய எதிர்காலத்தை அமைக்க ஆசைப்படுவோர்

பெற்றோர்கள் பெற்றோர்கள் சிந்தனைப் பாங்கு சிந்தனைத் திறன், சிந்தனையின் சாத்தியங்களை புரிந்து கொள்வதால், பிள்ளைகளோடு ஆக்கபூர்வமாக உறவாடி, அவர்களின் நம்பிக்கையை பெற்று நல்ல வழிகாட்டியாக அமைய முடியும். குடும்பத்தில் உறவு இன்னும் நெருக்கமாக ஆகும்.

பயிற்றுனர்கள், ஆசிரியர்கள் – மாணவர்களோடு இணக்கமாக இருப்பது எப்படி? மாணவர்கள் கற்கும் முறை உள்வாங்கும் முறை ஆகியவற்றை அறிந்து வகுப்புகளை நடத்தலாம்,

மாணவர்கள்கற்கும் முறை, நினைவாற்றல் பயிற்சி, விருப்பமில்லா பாடத்தில் விருப்பம் ஏற்படுத்துதல், தேர்வு பயம் போக்கி அதிக மதிப்பெண் பெற வழி செய்தல் என என்.எல்.பி உதவும்

மனநல ஆலோசகர்கள் : என்.எல்.பி ஆற்றுப்படுத்தும் முறை பாதுகாப்பானது. பிரச்சனையை தோண்டி ஆராய வேண்டியதில்லை. பிரச்சனை உள்ளவருக்கு தீர்வை சொல்லும் வழிகளை சொல்கிறது.

எனவே மன நல ஆலோசக்கர்களும் தங்களின் மன நலனை உற்சாகத்தை இழக்காமல் தக்க வைத்து கொள்ள் முடியும். சிக்கலுக்கான தீர்வையும் விரைவில் தரும்.

உடல் நல மருத்துவர்கள் —   நோயுற்று வருவோரின் உள்ளப்பாங்கையும் புரிந்து கொண்டு, இணக்கமாக இருந்து நோய்க்கான தீர்வை பக்குவமாக எடுத்து சொல்ல வழி சொல்லும்.

வியாபாரிகள், நிர்வாகிகள்உற்சாக மனநிலையில் தொழிலை கவனிக்கும் சக்தி, வாடிக்கையளர்கள் சக ஊழியர்களுடன் சகஜமாக இருத்தல்,இணக்கமாக இருத்தல், புரியும்படி பேசுதல், தெளிவாக் கட்டளை பிறப்பித்தல்,திட்ட மிட்டு செயல் படும் திறன், இலக்குகளை எளிதில் அடையும் சூசகம் என பல நல்ல அம்சங்களை என்.எல்.பி தருகிறது

 விற்பனையாளர்கள்வாடிக்கையளர்களின் வாங்கும் ஆர்வம், முடிவெடுக்கும் பாங்கு, ஆகியவற்றை அறிய முடியும், வாடிக்கையளர்களை எளிதில் நட்புறவு கொள்ள செய்ய முடியும்.
நமக்கு நாமே’ – என்.எல்.பி மனத்துக்கான சுய வழிகாட்டி. எனவே என்.எல்.பி உத்திகளை தானே பயிற்சி செய்து வாழ்வின் சிக்கல்களுக்கு விடை கண்டுபிடிக்க முடியும். ஒரு தனி நபர் சுய சார்பில் சிறந்து விளங்கி வாழ்வில் மகிழ்ச்சியை கூட்டிக் கொள்ள முடியும்

சவால்களை சந்திக்கும் ஆர்வமும், மாற்றத்தை மகிழ்ச்சியோடு வரவேற்கும் திறந்த மனமும் வாழ்க்கையயும் அது தரும் வாய்ப்புகளையும் ரசிக்கும் மனநிலையும், ருசிக்கும் மனோபாவமும் உள்ளவர்களுக்கு என்.எல்.பி பல விஷயங்களை அள்ளித்தரும்.

Qualities of a cousellor


The potential to be a good cousellor  can be shown if certain qualities exist- bad-interview-main


A good counselor is someone who can learn not to make judgments on behalf of the person being helped. Although counsellors have their own values, these should not be imposed on the client – and the counsellor must retain the ability to listen to and accept the views of clients with other standards.

Patience and Acceptance

A counselor rarely needs to use his or her self control in dealing with people, even those people who are not likeable.


Learning to grow into a more complete person from the experience of life’s hard knocks can be a valuable quality in a counselor.


Formal degrees in psychology do not necessarily make good counsellors, but a common sense approach is not sufficient. Good counsellors are willing and able to learn about themselves and other people too.

Social Skills

It is not enough to be considered to be a good listener. Counselors learn through training how to perceive all aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication, and deliberately improve their listening skills by using appropriate techniques during counselling.

Genuineness and Warmth

Effective counsellors have a genuine interest in other people. This is often referred to as respect or unconditional positive regard for the person being helped. People who do not need others in their lives may find this sort of warmth to unknown people as being problematic.


Counselors must show complete discretion, never revealing what others say or do within the counselling context. Confidentiality is paramount in counseling relationships.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Counseling requires a lot of training, followed by much practice. A current job that will allow the possibility of a helping role could be very useful to begin with.

( this article is gathered from net; source not known)


21 Effective Quotes of Swami Vivekananda

21 Effective Quotations of Swami Vivekananda


1. If the mind is intensely eager, everything can be accomplished—mountains can be crumbled into atoms.

2. Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, and live on idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.

3. Come out into the universe of Light. Everything in the universe is yours, stretch out your arms and embrace it with love. If you every felt you wanted to do that, you have felt God.

4. All knowledge that the world has ever received comes from the mind; the infinite library of the universe is in our own mind.

5. Stand up, be bold, and be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny. All the strength and succor you want is within you. Therefore make your own future.

6. There is no help for you outside of yourself; you are the creator of the universe. Like the silkworm you have built a cocoon around yourself…. Burst your own cocoon and come out aw the beautiful butterfly, as the free soul. Then alone you will see Truth.

7. It is our own mental attitude which makes the world what it is for us. Our thought make things beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly. The whole world is in our own minds. Learn to see things in the proper light. First, believe in this world, that there is meaning behind everything. Everything in the world is good, is holy and beautiful. If you see something evil, think that you do not understand it in the right light. Throw the burden on yourselves!

8. Hold to the idea, “I am not the mind, I see that I am thinking, I am watching my mind act,” and each day the identification of yourself with thoughts and feelings will grow less, until at last you can entirely separate yourself from the mind and actually know it to be apart from yourself.

9. All love is expansion, all selfishness is contraction. Love is therefore the only law of life. He who loves lives, he who is selfish is dying. Therefore love for love’s sake, because it is law of life, just as you breathe to live.

10. Our duty is to encourage everyone in his struggle to live up to his own highest idea, and strive at the same time to make the ideal as near as possible to the Truth.

11. Even the greatest fool can accomplish a task if it were after his or her heart. But the intelligent ones are those who can convert every work into one that suits their taste.

12. Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If you cannot, fold your hands, bless your brothers and let them go their own way.

13. Each work has to pass through these stages—ridicule, opposition, and then acceptance. Those who think ahead of their time are sure to be misunderstood.

14. If you think that you are bound, you remain bound; you make your own bondage. If you know that you are free, you are free this moment. This is knowledge, knowledge of freedom. Freedom is the goal of all nature.

15. As long as we believe ourselves to be even the least different from God, fear remains with us; but when we know ourselves to be the One, fear goes; of what can we be afraid?

16. Your Atman is the support of the universe—whose support do you stand in need of? Wait with patience and love and strength. If helpers are not ready now, they will come in time. Why should we be in a hurry? The real working force of all great work is in its almost unperceived beginnings.

17. Learning and wisdom are superfluities, the surface glitter merely, but it is the heart that is the seat of all power. It is not in the brain but in the heart that the Atman, possessed of knowledge, power, and activity, has its seat.

18. Understanding human nature is the highest knowledge, and only by knowing it can we know God? It is also a fact that the knowledge of God is the highest knowledge, and only by knowing God can we understand human nature

19. Purity, patience, and perseverance are the three essentials to success and, above all, love.

20. If you want to have life, you have to die every moment for it. Life and death are only different expressions of the same thing looked at from different standpoints; they are the falling and the rising of the same wave, and the two form one whole.

21. Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity within by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship or psychic control or philosophy – by one or more or all of these and be free.



Every living being has built-in guidance system or goal striving device

The built-in mechanism for animals is limited to finding food, shelter and survival

For man goal to live means more than survival.

Animals have more physical needs. Man has not just physical needs; man has more so of emotional needs; even spiritual needs.

It is this need, longing for this need that makes man reach out to various aspects of life. His quest has resulted in inventions, discoveries, writing poetry, run business, self merchandize, explore new horizons, conduct self development programs, and attend motivational lectures to better one’s personality.

In short, to lead life richer nobler grander, man attempts in every possible way with the best of knowledge and resource available at that time.


A squirrel does not have to be taught how to gather nuts; nor does iit need to be taught how to store food for winter, even if it is born in a spring season.

A bird need not be taught how to build nest; need not be taught how to navigate and reach for off places; they have no map, no milestone or direction post.

Animals have certain in-built instincts to guide them, to protect them. These can be called SUCCESS INSTINCTS

Animals cannot select goals. Their goals are preset. Their goal is – SELF PRESERVATION & PROCREATION.

Man is not just a social animal. While self preservation & procreation are a potent force for driving life man has far more aspirations in life; far more expectations from life.

Man too has success instinct; Man also is a goal striving mechanism. Man either consciously or unconsciously moves towards a purpose in life.

From the spiritualist point of view – ‘Each soul is potentially divine. The goal of life is to manifest this divinity day by day in an endless progression.

It is this ‘inner living creature’ striving to realize itself is the aim of man is what spiritualist says.
To realize this man attempts in various ways.

It is to outshine his current stature. It is to outgrow his current stature. It is this endeavor that distinguishes man from other creatures on earth.

Man has a faculty called ‘CREATIVE IMAGINATION’

In that by this very faculty of CREATIVE IMAGINATION man is not only a CREATURE, he is a CREATOR too.

CREATIVE IMAGINATION does not necessarily apply to people recognized as poets, artists, inventors.

A greater degree of it finds expression in them in a regulated or channelized way.  Every human being endowed with this creative imagination designs his life, defines his life, destines his life or destroys his life.

Either he is creature of circumstance or creator of his circumstance. It is this imagination that rules the world.
All that we are is the result of what we have thought’ says The Buddha

‘Our life is what our thoughts make it’ says Marcus Aralius

It is mind that makes or mars life.

Mind is nothing but flow of thoughts. In mind there is always continues flow of thoughts.

We think through what is called MIND CONSTRUCTS as waves it flows.

In fact MIND through flow of thoughts give us cognitive power to man.

Every event every experience anything and everything goes though PRISM

It is here that the entire crux of life lies.


For SELF MANAGEMENT, NLP offers excellent tools by which one can tune oneself for optimal performance in profession and personal life.
With this end in mind  course facilitates individuals and organizations to be at best and do give the best.



பாரதியாரின் புதிய ஆத்திசூடியிலிருந்து சுய முன்னேற்றம் சார்ந்த சில.
Nationalist poet Sri Subramanya Bharathi’s Sayings

1. அச்சம் தவிர் – AVOID FEAR

2. ஆண்மை தவறேல் – SLIP NOT FROM VALOR

3. எண்ணுவது உயர்வு – THINK HIGH

4. ஓய்தல் ஒழி – GIVE UP LAZING AROUND

5. கற்றது ஒழுகு – PRACTICE WHAT YOU LEARNT

6. காலம் அழியேல் – DO NOT WASTE TIME

7. குன்றென நிமிர்ந்து நில் – STAND TALL LIKE MOUNTAIN

8. கெடுப்பது சோர்வு – LAZINESS SPOILS

9. கேட்டிலும் துணிந்து நில் – BE BRAVE EVEN DURING TURBULANCE

10.கைத்தொழில் போற்று – ADORE YOUR OCCUPATION

11. கௌவியதை விடேல் – DO NOT GIVE UP UNDERTAKEN TASK

12.சிதையா நெஞ்சு கொள் – HAVE A HEART HARDLY BROKEN

13.சுமையினுக்கு இளைத்திடேல் – DO NOT BE DISHEARTENED BY RESPONSIBILITY

14.செய்வது துணிந்து செய் – BE BOLD IN DOING

15.சொல்வது தெளிந்து சொல் – STATE WITH CLARITY

16.ஞிமிரென இன்புறு – ENJOY YOUR WORK LIKE BEES


18.தாழ்ந்து நடவேல் – DO NOT LOWER YOUR ESTEEM


20.நாளெல்லாம் வினை செய் – ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES FULL DAY

21. நினைப்பது முடியும் – WHAT IS CONCEIVED IS WELL ACHIEVED



24.நோற்பது கைவிடேல் – GIVE UP NOT COMMITMENT

25. புதியன விரும்பு – SEEK FOR NEW




A number of training organizations of late have included NLP as a methodology for imparting skills.

There are a number of organizations that have come about to conducting NLP workshops.
In one sense it is a very good indication of more & more are getting into the awareness of NLP.

While this is a positive development, the flip side is ‘which is best nlp training?’
It is the fact that there is no regulatory body to offer a standardized course for imparting NLP Skill.
There is no standard syllabus to qualify a person undergoing NLP training as NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner.

The certificates issued as ‘CERTIFIED’ NLP practitioner or ‘CERTIFIED’ NLP Master Practitioner are more a mere certification for participation guaranteeing that the claimant has undergone  NLP training course for a particular number of days with the certificate issuing organization.
There are a number of training companies affiliated to an organization in UK/USA claiming authenticity based on ‘’direct disciple/ descendants’ of original founders of NLP; and also the claim ‘the only approved certifying body’.

So the issue for seekers of NLP training is – ‘which is BEST NLP TRAINING’ course?

It is very tricky to clearly specify.

Yet a few guidelines-

1) Look for what you want from NLP and check if the NLP training organization can provide

2) Talk to the trainers of NLP and enquire to your satisfaction before deciding

3) Give space for going wrong, in the sense, you may be disappointed after the NLP training program  with the chosen organization; you must be ready to take it in your stride and get going in your learning through NLP

Exploring NLP is in fact an exploration of oneself. It is a journey of self discovery. Hence you must be willing to be patient and keep exploring with the help of NLP.

A few points I wish to share that may serve as guidelines.

1) There is no apex body that centrally recognizes any NLP certification.

2) Each organization unto itself.

3) Certificates are not certificates of merit or ability as per regulation

4) There is no mandate that one can practice NLP or teach NLP if only one is certified to do so with NLP

5) Certificate is no guarantee for instant recognition or immediate opportunity for training.

6) Beware if any trainer/ organization claim that he/she has changed people’s life and guarantees ‘your life will never be the same after our program’

7) Fire-walk/glass walk are not NLP trainings

8) Seek for referrals before enrolling for NLP course.

9) Benefit from NLP is more in doing internalizing and implementing than merely claiming (that I belong to so & so)

10) Check if the organization allows space for your query & enquiry and facilitate you to interact from a position of authenticity and integrity.

Best NLP training is more a matter of subjective experience than objectively verifiable external factors.

You are your best judge and finally go by your gut feeling to decide on







” I will persist until I succeed
I was not delivered into this world unto defeat,
nor does failure course in my veins.
I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd,
I am a lion.
I refuse to walk, talk sleep with sheep;
The slaughter house of failure is not my destiny.
I will persist until I succeed”







Meaning for this Sanskrit Subhashitham::
Like how the ball bounces back every time we push it hard to ground,
for those who tirelessly pursue a task, no disaster is permanent; they always bounce back .

3 S of SucceSS

3 S of success

Success is truly a magnetic word.

Success is what everyone wants in life.

Success is what people strive for.

Success is what lures people.

Success is what satisfies people.

Success is what is mysterious to people.

Indeed it is very difficult to figure out what success is for the simple fact that SUCCESS means different things to different people; and also means different things to the same person in different context.

Is Success an attainment or a feeling of attainment?

Also the path that led a man to success may not be the precisely suited path for another man.

Each must find one’s own road to Success.

That is why one finds so many success secrets openly shared; so many success sutras chanted.

While Success means different things to different people and there is no precise definition of the word Success, yet Success calls for a particular methodology to attain it.

Underlying all success you will find one factor common.

That common factor is what the 3 S present in SucceSS say.

 S =  S + S + S


SINCERITY – The fundamental for anything & everything in life is ‘Sincerity’. To be sincere to the cause is essential for not only success but progression also.  If you are sincere ‘Universal Intelligence’ also collaborates with you to accomplish your task.

SKILL – Without skill progression is unfocussed & indefinite. Skill is what makes the difference in the way a task is done; Yoga is SKILL in action says Sri Krishna.

STRATEGY – The methodology to reach a desired goal is important; otherwise you will get stuck with unfulfilled desire; your skill becomes a burden; your desire becomes guilt. Frustration leaves distaste for the whole effort.

Strategy can be outsourced entirely;

Skill can be imbibed by proper training & practice

Sincerity is something one has to bring from within; there is no class or course to impart sincerity. Sincerity is self made; being true is more an attitude.  For want of sincerity skill gets frittered away; for want of sincerity strategy remains un-utilized or under-utilized; If one is sincere skill & strategy will reach automatically in due course of time.
Success is truly a success if only the attempt is made with all sincerity; only then you get lasting success ..

To succeed with NLP you need all the ‘3 S’.
Hence in order to be successful in one’s own terms  employ the ‘3 S’ in right proportion.

Nothings succeeds like SucceSS!!