3 S of SucceSS

3 S of success

Success is truly a magnetic word.

Success is what everyone wants in life.

Success is what people strive for.

Success is what lures people.

Success is what satisfies people.

Success is what is mysterious to people.

Indeed it is very difficult to figure out what success is for the simple fact that SUCCESS means different things to different people; and also means different things to the same person in different context.

Is Success an attainment or a feeling of attainment?

Also the path that led a man to success may not be the precisely suited path for another man.

Each must find one’s own road to Success.

That is why one finds so many success secrets openly shared; so many success sutras chanted.

While Success means different things to different people and there is no precise definition of the word Success, yet Success calls for a particular methodology to attain it.

Underlying all success you will find one factor common.

That common factor is what the 3 S present in SucceSS say.

 S =  S + S + S


SINCERITY – The fundamental for anything & everything in life is ‘Sincerity’. To be sincere to the cause is essential for not only success but progression also.  If you are sincere ‘Universal Intelligence’ also collaborates with you to accomplish your task.

SKILL – Without skill progression is unfocussed & indefinite. Skill is what makes the difference in the way a task is done; Yoga is SKILL in action says Sri Krishna.

STRATEGY – The methodology to reach a desired goal is important; otherwise you will get stuck with unfulfilled desire; your skill becomes a burden; your desire becomes guilt. Frustration leaves distaste for the whole effort.

Strategy can be outsourced entirely;

Skill can be imbibed by proper training & practice

Sincerity is something one has to bring from within; there is no class or course to impart sincerity. Sincerity is self made; being true is more an attitude.  For want of sincerity skill gets frittered away; for want of sincerity strategy remains un-utilized or under-utilized; If one is sincere skill & strategy will reach automatically in due course of time.
Success is truly a success if only the attempt is made with all sincerity; only then you get lasting success ..

To succeed with NLP you need all the ‘3 S’.
Hence in order to be successful in one’s own terms  employ the ‘3 S’ in right proportion.

Nothings succeeds like SucceSS!!



(In the words of Swami Vivekananda)

(Thanks to Sri Ramakrishna Thapovanam, Thirupparaithurai for this compilation)

  • Arise! Awake! and stop not till the goal is reached
  • Bless men when they revile you
  • Conquer yourself and the whole universe is yours
  • Do not merely endure, be unattached
  • Eat to Him, drink to Him, sleep to Him, see Him in all
  • First get rid of this delusion,” Iam the body’
  • Give everything and look for no returns
  • Homogeneity, sameness is GOD
  •  Incarnations like Buddha, Sri Ramakrishna can give religions
  • Jnana –Yoga tells man that he is essentially divine
  • Knowledge exists, man only discovers
  • Look at the ocean and not at the wave
  • Man as Atman is really free, as man he is bound
  • Never turn back to see the result of what you have done
  • Out of purity and silence comes the word of power
  • Perception is our only real knowledge or religion
  • Quarrels over religion are always over the husks
  • Religion without philosophy runs into superstition
  • See no difference between ant and angel
  • The more our bliss is within, the more spiritual we are
  • Unchaste imagination is as bad as unchaste action
  • Vedas cannot show you Brahman, You are already that.
  • We are human coverings over the Divine
  • Xs anything is poison
  • You are good but be better
  • Zeal with faith(Shraddha); have this everything will follow 

வாழ்வின் வளமைக்கு ’லூயிஸ் ஹே’ தரும் கருத்தேற்றம்

வாழ்வின் வளமைக்கு ’லூயிஸ் ஹே’ தரும் கருத்தேற்றம்

  • ’’நான் இருக்கும் இந்த எல்லையற்ற வாழ்வில் எல்லாம் ஒழுங்காகவும்,முழுமையாகவும், நிறைவாகவும் இருக்கின்றன.
  • என்னைப் படைத்த சக்தியோடு நான் சேர்ந்தே இருக்கிறேன்.
  • பிரபஞ்சம் வழங்கும் வளமைப் பெருக்கத்தை அப்படியே உள்வாங்குவதற்குத் திறவாய் இருக்கிறேன்.
  • நான் கேட்பத்ற்கு முன்பே என் தேவைகளும் ஆசைகளும் பூர்த்தியாகின்றன.
  • தெய்வத்தின் பாதுகாப்பும் வழிகாட்டுதலும் எனக்கு இருக்கிறது.
  • எனக்கு நன்மை அளிப்பனவற்றையே நான் தேர்வு செய்கிறேன்.
  • எல்லோருக்கும் நிறையவே கிடைக்கும் வாய்ப்பு இருப்பதால் மற்றவர்களின் வெற்றியைக் கண்டு மகிழ்ச்சியடைகிறேன்
  • என்னுள் வளமை உணர்வு தொடர்ந்து அதிகரித்துக் கொண்டே வருகிறது என்பதை பிரதிபலிக்கும் விதமாக என் வருமானம் தொடர்ந்து அதிகரித்துக் கொண்டே வருகிறது.
  • எல்லா திசையிலிருந்தும் எல்லோரிடமிருந்தும் எனக்கு நன்மைகள் வந்து சேருகின்றன.
  • என் உலகில் எல்லாம் சரியாகவே இருக்கின்றன.’’


( மேற்கண்ட வாக்கியங்களை 21 நாளைக்கு தினமும் படித்து மனதில் பதிய வைத்துக் கொண்டால் எண்ணம் வலிமை பெற்று வாழ்வு சிறக்கும் என்பது உறுதி)


லூயிஸ் ஹே என்பவர் புற்றுநோயால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டு சாவின் வாயிலிருந்து தன்னைத் தானே மீட்டெடுத்த வழிமுறையை பயிற்சி வகுப்புகள் மூலம் பகிர்ந்து வருகிறார்.

அவரது வளைதளம்   http://www.louisehay.com/



LOUISE L HAY Philosophy

  • We are each 100% responsible for all of our experiences.
  • Every thought we think is creating our future
  • The point of power is always in the present moment
  • Everyone suffers from self- hatred and guilt
  • The bottom line for everyone is
    “I am not good enough”
  • It is only a thought and a thought can be changed
  • Resentment, guilt, criticism are the most damaging patterns.
  • Releasing resentment will even dissolve cancer.
  • When we really love ourselves everything in our life works
  • We must release the past and forgive everyone.
  • We must be willing to begin to learn to love ourselves
  • Self –approval and self –acceptance in the now is the key to positive changes.
  • We create every so called illness in our body

LOUISE HAY is an American motivational author, and the founder of Hay House, a publishing company. She has authored several New Thought self-help books, and is best known for her 1984 book, YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE.


®    Every day in every way I am growing richer & richer.

®    Every day in every way my cash reserve is growing.

®    Every day in every way I am becoming prosperous.

®    Every day in every way I am becoming wealthy.

®  Every day in every way I am being prospered by Divine Power.

®  Every day in every way I am being prospered in all my interests.

®  Every day in every way money manifests in my life in rich abundance.

®  Every day in every way there is peace & prosperity in my palace.

®  Every day in every way I am activated by Divine Love.

®  Every day in every way I am guided by Divine Power.

®  Every day in every way I am protected by Divine power.

®  Every day in every way I am growing in my popularity.



1. Being Optimistic –
Being positive about life is no more a choice but becomes a basic need for survival these days given the opportunity that people have & the access to every kind of life-style courtesy ‘world-wide-web’.
The luxury of leisurely life – leisurely wake-up, leisurely get ready, leisurely commute to work place, interact informally & intimately with people,  caring to share without being asked, weigh life with inclusive thinking – has been replaced by a high-tech, fast paced regimented life with an attitude of  ‘what is in it for me’ has been pushing people to fend for oneself .
If it becomes so, then one must become one’s own care-taker, motivator, and self-healer. Being self dependent is safe now-a-days to keep pace with advancement.
Unless one tunes the mind optimistically, unless one trains the mind to think positively, unless one looks for solutions, life will become more & more complicated.
Even now stress seems to become the order of the day. People seem to get upset easily, people become irritated at snap of fingers.

In order to make the most of everything in life, one must develop an attitude of seeing the brighter side of life; in fact one must see life as an opportunity for growth & advancement, treat every life situation as a learning ground for strengthening self.
Though it is easier said than done, yet one must cultivate the attitude seeing life as an opportunity by ‘choosing’ to be optimistic.
That your life is thrilling or pulling or killing depends on the filling in your head; hence take care of your thoughts, then life is taken care of’– VR Quote

2.Believing in one’s ability-

Of all the strengths in the world, the only thing that stands by a man at times of crisis is his courage of conviction.
What a man thinks of himself to be is what decides his behavior in any situation.
If I can say, man’s effectiveness is proportionate to his identity than the ability he possesses. Therefore much more than knowledge acquired, skills learnt, experience gained, one must ‘believe’ in one’s ability, whatever be the proportion & measure, and perform with full faith that one can give one’s best at all circumstance.
You may not be the best person under the sun; yet you can give your best under the sun at all circumstance fully believing in your ability.
This belief in one’s ability sharpens focus & polishes skill on an ongoing basis; this will gradually make a person gain expertise in the chosen field.

The greatest deterrent to success is not just lack of ability, but lack of belief in one’s ability.
Self doubt & perfection syndrome are the arch rivals for personal effectiveness.
‘There is no word that has no power;
There is no herb that has no medicinal value;
There is no human who is absolutely worthless’
– a Sanskrit  saying
Hence in order to succeed & grow one must identify one’s strength & work on one’s strength.
For this to happen BELIEVE you have abilities and you can succeed;
keep saying –
‘I believe in the ability of my own self & generate powerful results’


3. Being curios to learn & grow

Being positively discontent is best
lest complacency cripples us to rust’

VR Quote
All great leaders are avid readers. They are curious to know what is new in their chosen field. They keep their eyes, ears and  mind open to receive new learning, new ways of doing, new methods to optimize resources.

A sedentary routine may give a sense of security but it is only a temporary respite. What gives growth & maturity is challenging oneself and taking risk to renew oneself, to rejuvenate oneself with new learning.
Stagnation is indeed a sickness in disguise.
New leaning keeps the brain cells active and lightens up life and retains youthful spirit.
Life is counted not by the number of years lived but by the number of hours spent in useful tasks.
Much of life’s problems can be easily solved by taking a fresh look at it, by altering our approach to the same situation.
Failures & mistakes become best teacher if only we learn to take them as an opportunity for learning; In fact growth && expansion has come only by treating mistakes & failure as a feedback.
In fact if one develops a child like curiosity, then nothing like it to freshen up life.
Make it a habit to be curious about your immediate life circumstance and start learning everyday something new.
Then life will always be fresh


4 Appreciating the best in others

It is a basic fact of life that no man in a society can live all alone without needing the support of fellow human beings.
Equally it is a basic need of man to be connected to people. A sense of belonging certainly gives comfort.
Pleasure lies in giving, sharing, exchanging, and serving relatives friends & close associates.
True success lies in having a well meaning connectedness with people around, not just the attainment of honors, medals or material possessions. Even with these one will feel empty if not surrounded by people with sincerity & warmth.

In order to have a well meaning relationship with people, develop the habit of appreciating the good things in others and candidly recognize them.
We are so habituated to finding fault with others, and often claim to be better than the rest that we miss out the charm of peaceful co-existence and supplementing and complimenting one another.
The best way to establish a well knit of net-work is by inculcating the habit of spotting good things in others;
If I can use Spencer Johnson’s phrase ‘catch them doing good’

Focus on what people are doing well, what they are good at, what each person is capable of and nurture that in them and make the most out of the strength that people have; Help people to strengthen their strength.
In turn they will stand with you willingly, voluntarily.
Life has meaning if only we care & share with people.
Hence to have personal effectiveness, start appreciating the best in others.


5.Finding a balance between personal and professional life

Gone are the days of settled type; a person starting his career in an organization retiring from the same organization; Job hop is the order of the day.
Being career oriented is even among women these days.
The percentage of working couples is on the increase.
Acquiring property, amassing wealth seems to occupy one’s thinking obsessively.

The basic question is life is spent only in making a living, then when are we going to live?

Value clarification is what is needed to find meaning & purpose to life.
Decide what you want, I repeat, what you want most and work for it.
Personal life & professional life are two sides of a talisman.
Balancing it is important for a healthy peaceful living.
Effectiveness lies in striking a balance.


LIFE is Living In Full Enthusiasm
– VR Quote

Thoughts on CONFIDENCE

v  CONFIDENCE is constancy of thinking about what is possible & how to make it possible

v  CONFIDENCE is a special kind of thinking that is fuelled by unflinching determination

v  CONFIDENCE is making the mind see now what the eyes are going to see soon

v  CONFIDENCE is sensing the possibility before making it a reality

v  CONFIDENCE means facing facts boldly with a strong mind

v  CONFIDENCE is your perception of your potential

v  CONFIDENCE is seeing the possibility as  reality

v  CONFIDENCE is a resolute state of mind

v  CONFIDENCE means being  pushy

v  CONFIDENCE is knowing & going

v  We tend to view CONFIDENCE as a product of accomplishment rather than a part of process that leads there

v  Supremely CONFIDENT people were confident before they achieve anything

v  There are two types of CONFIDENCE –
-Conviction based CONFIDENCE which is primarily by  faith backed by a strong will;
-Competence based CONFIDENCE which comes as an effect of certain demonstratable abilities;

v  To develop CONFIDENCE simply state within –
“ I greet everyday with a firm commitment to raising my CONFIDENCE; I do whatever that is required to become more CONFIDENT”







I do my thing and you do your thing
I am not in this world to live up to your expectation
And you are not in this world to live up to mine
You are you and I am I
And if by chance we find each other it’s beautiful
If not it can’t be helped


Thoughts on COMMITMENT
(as shared from random readings, hence source not known)

  • Commitment is giving all that you have to get all that you want
  • A true commitment is the focusing of energy toward a purpose or cause
  • Commitment is doing rather than saying
  • Commitment is persevering & continuing to pursue your vision in spite of distraction hardship criticism & risk
  • Commitment is not a vague promise to yourself that you will do something
  • Commitment is doing something because you believe it is right for you to do it
  • Commitment like confidence is a special kind of thinking, a single minded sense & purpose that is fuelled by the energy of personal vision
  • Commitment is something you live & love
  • Everything you do is a reflection of your commitment
  • No one can help you overcome a lack of commitment to your own life
  • If you don’t have it no one can provide for you
  • Honoring commitment is honoring oneself



In this high-tech fast paced world where everything is available at your call, at your door step, where knowledge of every kind is open to understanding and scrutiny at our will & poise, where relationship at every level, be it family, society or profession, have assumed a new dimension, in that the old practice of implicit obedience to age or authority or hierarchy is replaced by independent approach to issues airing one’s preference and choice and opinion it becomes hard bite to get your way these days simply by age old traditional model of command & control.

We are forced to communicate; we are forced to express our stand; we are forced to explain our logic or sentiment behind our decisions & thought process. People are not ready to take things on the face of it. We need to convince people to make them understand in the first place; next we need to get their acceptance.

So power or authority no more wields command like in the past. We need a new mind-set, new way to approach life and that new way is our ‘POWER TO INFLUENCE’

We must really influence people around by the way we conduct, by the way we communicate, and by the way we connect with people.

In order to develop the power to influence a simple ground rule for effective interpersonal relationship is winning the confidence of people with whom we interact


To win the confidence –
1) our intention & attention are two factors that make us irresistible to people around us

2) For BEST relationship
Begin the interaction
Establish warmth
Satisfy needs
Thank profusely

If the above strategy is adopted one is sure to create a platform for influencing people.

With the power to influence one enlist cooperation and commitment from people willfully joyously; one may expect a voluntary participation for a common cause; interaction becomes smoother.

Life becomes easier.

Influence, refrain from control.