NLP to rewrite your past


VRnlp for change


It is said history repeats itself.

May be ‘yes’ in the normal circumstance.

Not necessarily with NLP intervention.

One need not allow undesirable influence from one’s past.
One can change one’s personal history.

One can become strong.

Memories of the past need not be erased whereas pain in the memory can be blotted out.

Dis empowering situations are many, like-

Experiencing crippling tension during argument

-Experiencing apprehension when dialoguing with a superior

-Being on the defensive when questioned

-Experiencing fear & anxiety before & during interview or exam

-Experiencing knee knocking anxiety in front of a group

-Unable to deal with confrontation

-teasing unpleasant event of the past

-nagging memory

 With appropriate NLP technique from VRnlp course you can become fresh and futuristic to achieve the result you want in life.