
what am I up to?

What am I up to?

This question hits people half way.

For some this question completely turns their life around. 
For some this question baffles and paralyses.

What am I upto?

When de we ask this question?

·         When we do not know the direction of our work stream,

·         when we do not get the result that we want,

·         when the expected outcome seems to be far-fetched,

·         when  we feel fatigued over unproductive dull routine

·         when we don’t get the recognition that we want

·         when we are overwhelmed with current assignment

Some are really blessed to have been tied to settled pattern and they simply and happily go through the motion till the last without even thinking about what next.

Yet many who are into a process of achieving a specific outcome and want it to happen soon get this intriguing question at some point.

What we do then?

If you are committed to getting what you want, then this question allows you to take inventory of what you have been doing, reexamine the current methodology and amend ways of doing to getting what you want.

If you are one who does by initial momentum then chances are that you take rest awhile to consider resuming later if the work still gives hints of hope.

If you are dragging thus far and suddenly you hit this question , chances are you drop altogether what you have been doing so far.

Life gives choices

Nothing is guaranteed in life.
Nothing is promised for eternity.
Nothing lasts forever.
Nothing comes along with us all along.

It is the interesting part and also the frustrating part. This is the paradox of life.
We seek permanence in a world of impermanence.
Life does not dictate or command of us. Life is not accountable to us. We are accountable to life.

What is it that we are going to offer to life is what matters more than what we get from life,

We are given a chance to travel on earth for life time without any charge.

We are given a chance and choice to make the journey in the way we want it.  

It is a matter of choice, every day choice;

We choose every moment what to happen in our life.

Like it or not this is the fact. You are given choices.

Prudence lies in choosing what does well to you and to those around you.  

Persevere or suffer  

Those who have been intrigued by this question reaffirm their conviction and reassure their faith in the system and make suitable amendments to the process and persevere till they get the result.

They re-frame this question as an opportunity to set right the course of action according changing trends and adapt the methodology lest they may become obsolete.

Products and organizations that were busy with immediate activity without long term perspective became obsolete in the process and faded away.

Organizations that keep asking time to time ‘what am I upto?” is alert to changing trends and stay alive and grow.

“Expansion is life Contraction is death”   says Swami Vivekananda.

To expand grow in life this question becomes very important.

Hence next time when you hit upon this question,
“What am I up to?”
what answer will you give?




” I will persist until I succeed
I was not delivered into this world unto defeat,
nor does failure course in my veins.
I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd,
I am a lion.
I refuse to walk, talk sleep with sheep;
The slaughter house of failure is not my destiny.
I will persist until I succeed”


விடா முயற்சி -Perseverance

Kanyakumari-3660_4பொறியின்மை யார்க்கும் பழியன்று; அறிவறிந்து
ஆள்வினை இன்மை பழி / குறள் 62-618/

பொருள்:உறுப்பு குறைபாடு யார்க்கும் பழியாகாது. அறிய வேண்டியதை அறிந்து முயற்சி செய்யாமையே பழியாகும்.

Meaning- It is no blame or shame to be having physical deficiency. Real shame is not striving to know what one needs to know & work in that direction.



(In the words of Swami Vivekananda)

(Thanks to Sri Ramakrishna Thapovanam, Thirupparaithurai for this compilation)

  • Arise! Awake! and stop not till the goal is reached
  • Bless men when they revile you
  • Conquer yourself and the whole universe is yours
  • Do not merely endure, be unattached
  • Eat to Him, drink to Him, sleep to Him, see Him in all
  • First get rid of this delusion,” Iam the body’
  • Give everything and look for no returns
  • Homogeneity, sameness is GOD
  •  Incarnations like Buddha, Sri Ramakrishna can give religions
  • Jnana –Yoga tells man that he is essentially divine
  • Knowledge exists, man only discovers
  • Look at the ocean and not at the wave
  • Man as Atman is really free, as man he is bound
  • Never turn back to see the result of what you have done
  • Out of purity and silence comes the word of power
  • Perception is our only real knowledge or religion
  • Quarrels over religion are always over the husks
  • Religion without philosophy runs into superstition
  • See no difference between ant and angel
  • The more our bliss is within, the more spiritual we are
  • Unchaste imagination is as bad as unchaste action
  • Vedas cannot show you Brahman, You are already that.
  • We are human coverings over the Divine
  • Xs anything is poison
  • You are good but be better
  • Zeal with faith(Shraddha); have this everything will follow 

வாழ்வின் வளமைக்கு ’லூயிஸ் ஹே’ தரும் கருத்தேற்றம்

வாழ்வின் வளமைக்கு ’லூயிஸ் ஹே’ தரும் கருத்தேற்றம்

  • ’’நான் இருக்கும் இந்த எல்லையற்ற வாழ்வில் எல்லாம் ஒழுங்காகவும்,முழுமையாகவும், நிறைவாகவும் இருக்கின்றன.
  • என்னைப் படைத்த சக்தியோடு நான் சேர்ந்தே இருக்கிறேன்.
  • பிரபஞ்சம் வழங்கும் வளமைப் பெருக்கத்தை அப்படியே உள்வாங்குவதற்குத் திறவாய் இருக்கிறேன்.
  • நான் கேட்பத்ற்கு முன்பே என் தேவைகளும் ஆசைகளும் பூர்த்தியாகின்றன.
  • தெய்வத்தின் பாதுகாப்பும் வழிகாட்டுதலும் எனக்கு இருக்கிறது.
  • எனக்கு நன்மை அளிப்பனவற்றையே நான் தேர்வு செய்கிறேன்.
  • எல்லோருக்கும் நிறையவே கிடைக்கும் வாய்ப்பு இருப்பதால் மற்றவர்களின் வெற்றியைக் கண்டு மகிழ்ச்சியடைகிறேன்
  • என்னுள் வளமை உணர்வு தொடர்ந்து அதிகரித்துக் கொண்டே வருகிறது என்பதை பிரதிபலிக்கும் விதமாக என் வருமானம் தொடர்ந்து அதிகரித்துக் கொண்டே வருகிறது.
  • எல்லா திசையிலிருந்தும் எல்லோரிடமிருந்தும் எனக்கு நன்மைகள் வந்து சேருகின்றன.
  • என் உலகில் எல்லாம் சரியாகவே இருக்கின்றன.’’


( மேற்கண்ட வாக்கியங்களை 21 நாளைக்கு தினமும் படித்து மனதில் பதிய வைத்துக் கொண்டால் எண்ணம் வலிமை பெற்று வாழ்வு சிறக்கும் என்பது உறுதி)


லூயிஸ் ஹே என்பவர் புற்றுநோயால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டு சாவின் வாயிலிருந்து தன்னைத் தானே மீட்டெடுத்த வழிமுறையை பயிற்சி வகுப்புகள் மூலம் பகிர்ந்து வருகிறார்.

அவரது வளைதளம்






This quote coined by me may sound rhyming; may seem to have some sense.

It is like one of those motivational messages sneaking, creeeping teasing, tossing & flooding everywhere;

There are more of what to dos; what not to dos.

Like this general self-help books churn out pages & pages of advice, telling you, commanding you, dictating you, even ridiculing you with ridiculous statements like what I have coined and shared above.

These statements like mosquitoes tease you wherever you go, whichever side you turn these days. Mobile is infested with hundreds of motivational sms of the same drab stuff circulating hundreth time; open your mailbox there they hit you with pictures & videos…

Self styled evangelists of MOTIVATION & INSPIRATION and also a few claim to be inspired by GOD advice people from roof top as if people dont know anything.

Even the generic books preach as if people dont know what to do to tide over difficulties.

People most often know what to do; people get themselves the know-how of changing behaviour/habit.

The issue is not ‘know-how’ but ‘do-how’

Yes doing what they know is the issue..

People are helpless prisoners of behavioral pattern. In spite of their desire or frustration to change, people continue to be where they are.

Books or advice do not address this issue; only deal with it superficially which does not sufficiently help the person to bring in desired change.

Now the conflict starts within the person, guilt mounts up; frustration hightens..

The person sits with bitterness that the book has not hooked him; the book has not pushed him to take action to bring the desired change. After sometime the book becomes a burden.

My request to self development aspirants is that live life the way you want to live and go by your experience;

If you are angry, express anger

If you are frustrated, let out frustration

If you are upset about your failure, be upset.

You have every right to be as you are;

My request is ‘Kindly do not be overtly deluded by ‘POSITIVEs’ or ‘NEGATIVEs’

Your experience & your understanding is your true guide whether postive or negative.