NLP in the words of Swami Vivekananda – post 2

V A K of NLP

According to NLP’s observation thinking does not happen as a linear activity
but more in terms of  pictures sounds and feelings.
Thinking predominantly for most of the people take place as images
inside the head along with words and/or sounds and feelings correspondingly.

The moment you say THINKING, then it is

It is impossible to think without V A K ..
You may verify this..

It is this point that Swami clearly emphhasizes based on Vedanta.
“My bretheren, we can no more think about anything
without a mental image than we can live without breathing.
By the law of association mental image calls upon the mental idea and vice versa.
That is why the Hindu uses external symbol when he worships.
He will tell you it helps to keep his mind fixed on the BEING he prays.”

(Complete Works Of Swami Vivekananda Mayavati Memorial Edition, Advaitha Ashrama,Vol 1 page 16)

Our Vedanta has understood human psyche millenniums before and
NLP today echos the Vedanta in revealing eternal truth.

VRnlp helps you to realize truth

NLP in the words of Swami VIvekananda – Post 1

One of the pillars of NLP is ‘YOU’

YOU here refers to your unique set of chromosomes, your abilities, traits, perception & experience.
NLP says go by your experience and feedback from within; 
With regard to growth and development there is no universally applicable standard fitting all. 
Each person’s experience may differ and each experience is true from the experiencer’s view.
This space is very much needed for authentic growth and development.

Substantiating this view I quote here Swami Vivekananda’s words

“Every man should take up his own ideal and endeavor to accomplish it. That is a surer way of progress than taking up other men’s ideals, which he can never hope to accomplish…. all the men and women, in any society are not of the same mind, capacity, or of the same power to do things; they must have different ideals, and we have no right to sneer at any ideal. Let every one do the best he can for realizing his own ideal. Nor is it right that I should be judged by your standard or you by mine. The apple tree should not be judged by the standard of the oak, nor the oak by that of the apple. To judge the apple tree you must take apple standard, and for the oak, its own standard.”
(Ref Complete Works Of Swami Vivekananda, Vol 1 page 41)

with VRnlp you become a New Lovable Person

NLP says Perception is Reality

A woman caller complained of son’s sudden indifference to studies
and also of disobedience.
She wanted me to have a sitting with her son to ‘correct him
with the help of NLP

I said to the mother that I share her concern for her son;
and I asked her what evidence she has now that makes her feel worried over ‘changed behavior’.

The son is 7th standard and all along he was scoring first rank and
now in the mid-term test he has scored only 50% in Maths;
and he does not come to take food immediately and he has to be goaded.

Upon inquiry I understood the mother has a 7 year old daughter also; 
and of the two the mother gives more attention to the younger child,(daughter)
and the boy is instructed to take care of himself because he has sufficiently grown.

Now it is easy to identify where the issue lies.
The boy was receiving sufficient attention from his mother and
now he finds a changed attitude from his mother that has disappointed him;
he is upset and perhaps his efforts to demand his mother’s attention
would have been foiled  by the dictating mother.

From the angle of the mother son is at fault;
her perception is her reality;
To solve her problem, my role now is to make the mother understand how appropriate is her perception.
In fact she needs ‘correction’ to correct her son.

Like this mother we all carry a MAP OF REALITY, based on our perception & inference
and tend to judge the world based on the standard we create.

If it is appropriate then we feel comfortable and
if it is not appropriate we feel uncomfortable.

NLP says be flexible enough to modify your map.

Those who are flexible succeed and grow.
VRnlp helps you to succeed and grow.



All business regardless of industry are created by building relationship.
Tony Robbins in his husky voice says,”Quality of life is determined by quality of relationship”
Success in life depends largely on how well you relate with others.

Rapport is the bridge that helps a person you are in communication with find meaning in what you communicate.
The intent & content of your communication is well taken by a person with whom you have a rapport.
Rapport creates a feeling of trust and people gravitate towards those whom they trust.
Rapport helps someone feel comfortable with you and rapport creates a feeling of warmth and understanding
Rapport is simply a relation marked by harmony, conformity and affinity.
Rapport is the intelligent approach to influencing.
Rapport is a good feeling you get in the company of someone like you or you like.
Rapport is a bondage at unconscious level.

Without TRUST, relationship RUSTS.

building is not a long drawn process.
Rapport  can be quickly established by specific
NLP techniques, the result of which is a win – win relationship

 VRnlp makes it happen.

NLP needs S A I

NLP needs SAI

NLP aka Neuro Lnguistic Psychology needs S A I .

The name SAI is popular in India and S A I is worshipped as
God equivalent;
 hence naturally readers may immediately feel
strange to find S A I is associated with NLP.

There is very much connection between these two 3 letters


Our 5 senses – seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting are the input
channels for information from outside world into us.  In other words we process all information
through our senses.

So to the extent we become sharp in sensing the world by increasing
our sensory
we enrich our information from the world and we have more choice
to respond.


The whole aim of NLP is to make us aware of what is going on inside us
and outside us.
To be aware is to be awake to what is going on inside and observing it non judgmentally.
Awareness helps to align with our core being.
The moment you become aware your organism takes care for cure. Awareness cures.


Imagination rules the world. Imagination makes things
happen. All new creations are an outcome of imagination. Imagination finds new
ways of doing & being.

NLP says to the extent you are able to play with your inner
senses you are able to re-create your reality and open possibilities of change
and growth.

NLP says success need not come through hard work only;
success can come through crazy funny imagination. NLP tools facilitate our
brain to create new neural pathways by a variety permutation combination of

Hence to succeed with NLP you require these 3 letters S – A – I  
S A I is Sensitivity, Awareness, Imagination  

Truth about NLP Certificates

Often I hear from enquirers to me “will
you give a certificate?’ esp. freelance soft-skill trainers insist on

when I ask them for the reason for certificate,
their claim is they stand to gain more opportunities for training with a
certificate in NLP..
I wish their claim were true.

In the last 8 year of my claim to be
a Master Practitioner of NLP, I have not got any assignment because I hold a
certificate; none has asked for my certificate to verify my claim.

In the process of my serious
learning of the wisdom of NLP I am issued a certificate also.   
I give certificate to those who insist on certificate whereas I focus more on
sharing in the best possible way the effectiveness of NLP and make the participant
apply the principles of NLP for effective living.

I want to share here the truth about ‘CERTIFICATE’
It is the fact that there is no regulatory body to offer a standardized course
for imparting NLP Skill.
There is no standard syllabus to qualify a person undergoing NLP training as
NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner, NLP Trainer or Master Trainer

The certificates issued as
‘CERTIFIED’ NLP practitioner or ‘CERTIFIED’ NLP Master Practitioner are more a
mere certification for participation guaranteeing that the claimant has
undergone  NLP training course for a particular number of days with the
certificate issuing organization or its affiliate.
There are a number of training companies affiliated to an organization in
UK/USA claiming authenticity based on ‘’direct disciple/ descendants’ of
original founders of NLP; and also the claim ‘the only approved certifying

The NLP courses are good and effective if only the participant makes good out
of the course and simply having undergone a NLP course does not make a person
effective with NLP.

My suggestion to seekers of NLP
wisdom is to set an outcome for your NLP learning and focus more on internalization
of the skills of NLP than clamoring for certificate.

Indeed NLP is effective and NLP can
make you a New Lovable Person.
It’s how you make it.

NLP – self responsibility

I received a request by mail  from a person who wanted NLP intervention.( Parts Integration).

In  my reply mail I agreed for the meeting and also requested him to speak to me for my better understanding of his need. 

He chose to only use written communication. He wanted if he will become alright in one sitting.

I replied “may be; may be not; yet for the next 30 days if you practice what I share with you, in all likelihood you will get what you want” 

I was shocked by the reply mail from him-
” I am already an NLPian; I could not do on my own; that’s why I want you to do it for me; If you say I have to do it for 30 days for reinforcement, then your way is not useful to me”

Peace be upon him !

NLP can be effective if only if 

  1. you are willing to take responsibility for the result
  2. you are willing to be flexible to adopt different methods till you get the result
  3. you are willing to believe the process and surrender to the process

Most of the NLP techniques are Do It Yourself type.
You dont need to depend on someone else. 

That is the speciality of NLP.

Hence NLP will be effective if and only if you decide to make it effective for you.
VRnlp helps you to realize this truth 

Beliefs – Limiting or empowering ?

Beliefs shape our behavior.
Therefore beliefs bring either relief or grief depending on its quality.

Often beliefs that limit us only trouble us. 
Such limiting beliefs come under this category broadly.


  1. People must treat me fairly
  2. I should not have difficulties in life
  3. Everyone must like me
  4. It is awful if I make mistakes
  5. If I dont do correctly, then I am no good
  6. Those who treat me well must be punished 
  7. I must get what I want when I want
  8. I cannot control how I feel
  9. I get upset if people make mistakes
  10. I should not have negative thinking. 

All the above 10 beliefs are irrational and limiting.

Life is not unfair intrinsically;

Life seems to be unfair by the meaning we give to events happening in our life.

Release these 10 limiting beliefs from your bosom.

Take life in your stride to ride on the road to progression.

VRnlp makes it happen !

NLP -Circle Of Excellence

Does excellence necessitate exerting and exhausting?
Does success mean hard work and struggle?

what is your understanding to succeed and grow?

Singing your way to success …….?

Dancing your way to success…. ?

Is it possible??? 

Yes… says NLP

You can sleep your way to success… why not???

NLP says possible. ….makes it possible…..

with CIRCLE OF EXCELLENCE technique…

Effectiveness in any endeavor depends on our state of mind.

CIRCLE OF EXCELLENCE gives one a resourceful state by which success becomes a matter of fact.

To discover your resources and tap it anytime you want….

VRnlp shows the way

NLP to rewrite your past

VRnlp for change

It is said history repeats itself.

May be ‘yes’ in the normal circumstance.

Not necessarily with NLP intervention.

One need not allow undesirable influence from one’s past.
can change one’s personal history.

One can become strong.

Memories of the past need not be erased whereas pain in the
memory can be blotted out.

Dis empowering situations are many, like-
Experiencing crippling tension during

-Experiencing apprehension when dialoguing with a superior

-Being on the defensive when questioned

-Experiencing fear & anxiety before & during interview
or exam

-Experiencing knee knocking anxiety in front of a group

-Unable to deal with confrontation

-teasing unpleasant event of the past

-nagging memory
 With appropriate NLP technique from VRnlp course you can become fresh and futuristic to achieve the result you want in life.