NLP through stories -story 28

Akbar once called Birbal and said,” Birbal ! It is strange to read in your Hindu Holy book that Lord Vishnu hearing the agonizing cry of an elephant rushed to his aid. Why would a God with so many servants at His disposal himself rush to the succor of the elephant?

Birbal replied. ” Your Majesty, please give me 2 days time to answer your question “
Akbar granted him the request apparently with a pride to have humbled Birbal.

Birbal arranged to make a wax model of Emperor’s grandson and dressed the wax model in grandson’s clothes.
He then ordered a servant to carry the doll where Emperor could see him & pretended to fall and drop the doll into the pond with a cry drawing Emperor’s attention.
The servant did so. 
When the Emperor heard the cry and saw his grandson fall into the pond, Emperor himself jumped into the pond & rescued ‘grandson’ 
Birbal now came out of a bush and asked ” Your Majesty !! when you have so many servants, why you jumped in to the pond to save your grandson?? that too this is only a wax model..???”
It is for the same reason like yours, for Lord Vishnu every creature is precious”

Akbar understood his folly in having questioned the wisdom of Hindu’s God.  

Everyone understand only with reference to their ‘conditioning’ & belief .
Everyone perceives world differently in unique ways.
To make them understand ‘truth’  we must enter into their map & explain, for them to understand better.
Otherwise every word means different things to different people.
Also every context is inferred in one’s own unique ways. 
In order to persuade or influence or make the person understand it is important to understand their map of reality and present an idea matching their map.
Whatever be the explanation Birbal would have given earlier, Akbar would not have bought it.
When Birbal demonstrated in the way Akbar would understand, the job got done.
One of the beliefs of NLP is “People respond only to their map of reality”

NLP through stories -story 27

A man wanted to sell his 2 acre land which he thought as good for nothing  and approached an agent to help to dispose the land.
Next day this man saw an ad in the paper, ” 2 acres of land located near highway, very good for cultivation with enough water resources; even it is suitable for factory building or residential purpose; best price”

After reading the advertisement this man went to the agent and said, ” I have changed my mind; after reading your ad, I now realise the worth of my land; I dont want to sell”

Is it not interesting??
Often times you & I have the real potential & value.
yet not taking apt reference you tend to conclude you are powerless or worthless.
You need someone to remind you of your glory.
NLP exactly does this job of reminding you of your worth.
You already have all the resources you need.
NLP reminds you; reinforces in you.
VRnlp makes it happen.

NLP through stories – story 26

is important present or future?” a question was asked to an industrialist.
quickly replied “Both”
was asked to explain.
said, “Present gives us the opportunity to know where we stand where we are how
we are; and future gives us the opportunity to move to a better position than
the present’’
insightful isn’t it??
clearly says to be aware of what goes on now in you & around you;
acknowledging the present is important, accepting the present is important.  -PRESENT STATE
once having known where we are, we have to know where we want to be..   DESIRED
State >—————–
desired sate
gives you tools to move from present state to desired state.
helps to move & achieve your desired state.

NLP through stories – Story 25

He was haunted by a ghost dream every day.
He could not sleep peacefully every day.
The moment he closed his eyes images of ghost in various shapes & size
seized his mind and he was becoming restless.

Even during waking hours he was worried over ghost dream & loss of peace.
He was now truly possessed.

One day a monster ghost approached him.
He was totally terror-stricken, terrified petrified.

In a shaky voice he asked the ghost, ” what are you going to do?”

The ghost said, ” How do I know?? You created me & direct me; 
only you know what I have to do”

Is it not strange that what we create seem like dictating us?
Every thing in this world is a creation of mind and we get conditioned by our creation and they seem to dominate.
We get so much associated with them that we conclude we are possessed by them.
If we know the knack of disassociation we can understand ‘truth’ and respond adeqautely.

Also it is clear we respond to our perception of reality & not  real reality.

NLP talks of association & dissociation..
In order to understand & alter you must know dissociation &
in order to perform you must associate.

VRnlp teaches you how to associate & dissociate appropriately.