NLP through stories – Story 21

The second’s hand in a clock complained to the clock maker,” what a pain & dull routine for me; I need to keep on moving every second till the end, can you do something?

The clock maker said,” It’s easy; just focus on the next tic, rest is automatically done”

Often times in workshops people ask me,’the issue is doing the exercise & practice for one month;
I tell them this story and request them to focus doing that day; tomorrow will take care of itself.
It is more of belief system.
Their experience in the past have confirmed that they are not capable of doing something consistently; and so they doubt their focus to doing every day without fail and a mental estimate doing an assignment for 30 days seems a burden.
Doing one day is an achievement & focusing on that accomplishment and taking reference as an achiever you shift your focus from lack of consistency to capable of doing.
This will make you do continuously and consistently.  
How to eat an elephant?
”a bite at a time”
In NLP we call it as ‘CHUNKING’