NLP through stories – story 23

The sculptor was fully focused in crafting a image from a stone.
An onlooker was surprised to find 2 more images,similar to the one the sculptor was making, already there;
He could not contain his curiosity & asked the sculptor where these 3 stone images were going to be placed.
The sculptor replied only one was going to be installed;
The onlooker asked,” why 3 images then?”
The sculptor said,” the other two has not come as he expected; especially the nose, perfection is mising”
Onlooker asked,” where is going to be installed?”
Th sculptor” 20 feet above ..there”
onlooker,” so high.. who will notice the nose ??”
The sculptor,” I will notice; I know”

This is what is called CONGRUENCE..
With regard to NLP learnng & practice you need to be congruent;
being true to your self is essential for appropriate outcome.
Nothing to compare, none to compete, align with your self and go by inner calling & hint.
Being true is important for authentic success.