NLP through stories – story 50

A king once wanted to weigh his royal elephant.
Yet could not do because no weighing machine was available.

Though he sought the advice of wise counsels  none could offer a solution.
A young boy came to know of the desire of the king & said he could show a way. 
He was taken to the king.
The boy gave his idea – 
‘First put the elephant in a boat in a water tank. 
Due to weight the boat will sink. 
Mark the water level on the wall of the boat . 
Then alight the elephant..
Now start filling the boat with bricks till the boat sinks upto the mark .
Thereafter take the bricks & weigh conveniently. 
The total weight will be the weight of the elephant.”
The king was the brilliance of the boy.  

The learning from the story is ‘even a mammoth task can be accomplished 
if made into convenient components. 
There is also a saying on  elephant — “how to eat an elephant?  A bite at a time”
This bit sized approach is called CHUNKING in NLP 
When you chunk down you are able to be more & more specific to deal with the situation.
Difficulties when you chunk down diminishes.
Positives when you chunk down intensifies. 
Also chunking up helps to you to collaborate with people.