NLP through stories – story 56

A philosopher who had only one pair of shoes asked the cobbler to
repair them while he would wait.
The cobbler said,’ it is closing time and please come tomorrow to
take deliver “
The philosopher said, “I have only this pair of shoes; I can’t
walk bare foot.”
“I can lend you another pair of shoes till then” said the cobbler
“What? Wearing someone’s shoes? What do you take me for?” asked
the philosopher in an intemperate tone.
The cobbler replied sarcastically, “you don’t hesitate to carry
other people’s ideas in your head; why object to wearing someone’s shoe on your
Moral :
It is very important to have hands on experience to gain
expertise, especially when facing real life which does not follow a set script
you need to be alive to the situation and respond appropriately. This can
happen if you proceed out of real life experience.
NLP asks you to go by your inner guidance system as evidenced by
your senses. 
Authenticity comes by experience.